Q1 2024 - Mindfulness in the News Roundup

As we adjust to a new year, the tradition of setting resolutions takes center stage. This year, consider establishing a habit backed by science that can actually improve your wellbeing – mindfulness. A powerful practice with the potential to change our mindset and how we approach our daily lives. Read our latest mindfulness roundup to learn: 

  • Why mindfulness is the ultimate New Year's resolution

  • How mindfulness can effectively reduce emotional exhaustion and burnout

  • The science behind mindfulness’ ability to bolster resilience against stress

The Ultimate New Year's Resolution

The quest for the perfect New Year’s resolution begins well before the calendar turns and might remain far after. Many studies support our belief that mindfulness is a great choice — reducing stress, boosting focus, improving sleep, and more. Another reason why mindfulness is a good resolution? It’s a “keystone habit” which is a behavior change that leads us to make further positive behavior changes, according to Charles Druhigg in The Power of Habit. Through mindfulness, we become more aware of what we’re doing, thinking, and feeling. This awareness helps us create more positive habits and set the tone for a fulfilling journey ahead.

Reducing Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout

The hustle and bustle of a new year can put anyone in a frenzy. Emotional exhaustion and burnout are unfortunately common. If you’re starting to feel burned out (like many of us are), we have some good news. A study was conducted on the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions to decrease stress and burnout, specifically with nurses in an ICU unit during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed that mindfulness reduces emotional exhaustion and burnout. And, it increases levels of self-compassion. All things we can use more of in the new year. 

Building Resilience Against Stress

Stress, an inevitable part of our lives, can take a toll on our mental health. Resilience is a powerful antidote to stress, but what is resilience exactly? It’s the ability to persevere when difficulties happen. A quality we all want to have more of, right?! And, how can we become more resilient in an ever-changing and tumultuous world? Mindfulness is the answer. Science proves that mindfulness helps us live less stressed lives. Now studies are showing that continued practice reaps the most benefits. Those who practice regularly report lower levels of depression, higher levels of mental and physical health, and increased resilience against new stressors. 


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